Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Small Thing , Big Meaning

"no, aku jelek, kau jelek. we both have flat nose. :)) LOVE YOU~" :*

when the pigeon doesn't reach him to send a small letter with big contain. just another defective feeling.

i never fear to not have any man beside me, i'm just afraid of losing the only certain one. sometimes, it's unfair when something goes right, the wrong thing will always come in not exact time. but that's life, walking by like the moving wheel. but always, even the situation and condition always stab me, i feel like i'm not giving up to have such hope. i don't believe on such miracle, yet it makes me believe it miracle when it comes to HIM.
never ever be able to get rid of him from my heart. it's something that impossible to do.

"our brain might forget the things as time passed by, but our heart remembers every details that ever been so dear for us back then"

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